Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Khana khazana

1.Developing healthy eating habits 

will help you reach your goals, feel energised and able to enjoy life.Many people who struggle with their health or weight say they've tried every diet or food plan .The changes they make end up being short term and their old eating habits soon return, leaving them disheartened and demoralised.The reality is that there's no need to cut whole food n pleasure of eating.The key to success developing healthy eating habits that will not only help you reach your goals, but will also leave you feeling full and with plenty of energy.Healthy eating habits are all about putting changes in place that are in the long term.Here are a few eating habits which, once you've made them part of your routine, will have you set up for lifet 

2.Healthy Unprocessed Food

 Many of the packaged foods we buy today are aimed at convenience and involve the minimum of preparation time on our part - but they're not that healthy."Packaged foods tend to be higher in fat, salt and sugar than food cooked from scratch, while lacking nutrients and fibre," she says.Get into the habit of preparing meals from unprocessed foods and you will reap the health benefits.This means cooking with fresh vegetables, lean meat, eggs and milk and eating plenty of fruit, nuts and legumes. One of the best healthy eating habits you can put in place is to chuck out your toxic packaged and processed foods.Whole grains offer far more nutrients and fibre than their refined "white" varieties. researchers found that overweight people who ate wholegrain wheat products lost more weight than those who ate refined wheat, and they also came out with lower cholesterol."Whole grains tend to have a lower GI (glycaemic index), so they help keep you feeling fuller On the taste side, whole grains have more texture, flavours and nuttiness than refined ones.As a fast and simple way to improve your eating habits, choose wholemeal or wholegrain bread next time you hit the bakery.Adding whole grains such as quinoa and buckwheat to salads and other meals will add a heap of nutrients.You can find these in a health food store or the health food aisle of your supermarket.The more you "do" to your food, the less it does for you.So avoid things like deep-frying, which drenches your food in unnecessary calories, and boiling vegetables until they're drained of colour, as this will sap them of nutrients.Grill or barbecue vegetables.Stir-fry vegetables, using just a coconut,til, oil or a light spray of cooking oil.Steam vegetables until they're lightly crunchy.

3.Healthy Herbs

Use herbs, spices and ground pepper instead of salt.Use lemon juice instead of salad dressing.Make your own sauces rather than using bottled or sachet versions - for example, using fresh tomatoes as your base combined with herbs and spicecs4. 

4. Healthy Portion Sizes

All the advertising to be aimed at encouraging us to eat and drink a lot.Plate sizes in restaurants get bigger and bigger, as do the servings themselves.So it's little wonder that many of us consume more than we need on a daily basis, as our eating habits have changed without us even realising it."For the ideal lunch, a quarter of the plate taken by lean protein, another quarter would be filled with low-GI or wholegrain carbs, and the remaining half would be filled with salad or vegetables."For dinner, eat a little less than at lunch."The chances are that all you'll be doing after dinner is watching TV or going to bed, 

5. Healthy Eating-Out

 OptionIt's also tempting to go for the less healthy menu options. But that doesn't mean you can't put healthy eating See if the restaurant's menu is available online and choose your meal before you go out. with a healthy side salad.Ask for dressings and sauces to be served on the side.Ask for rice or extra vegetables .

 6. A Food Diary 

Keeping a diary of everything you eat and drink throughout the day will give you a clear picture of how much you're consuming and how healthy it is.It's not until we write everything down that we can see where to improve. 

 7. Healthy Eating 

At Social EventsFor most of us, it's impossible to avoid work gatherings or birthday bashes, where lots of food and alcohol are on offer, Set up some healthy eating habits for these situations to stay on track.Eat a healthy, filling snack to take the edge off your hunger before you arrive.At a buffet, fill your plate once and then stand away from the food table.Look for the most healthy option: a grilled piece .Load up on salad and vegetables.Skip cheeses and dessert, or share a little with a friend or partner.

 8. Healthy Shopping

It's too easy to eat takeaway if there's nothing in the fridge or put together something naughty when it's filled with unhealthy foods.But if your fridge and pantry are stocked with healthy options you'll be able to make better choices when you're hungry.The secret to healthy shopping is to plan ahead.create a shopping list based on healthy options for each of your meals and snacks during the week,

9. Treats Can be Healthy Too

!We often think of certain foods as "bad" and cut them out altogether. 

 10. Water: 

Nature's Healthy DrinkWater is essential for life - it's required for digestion, absorption and transportation of nutrients, for elimination of waste and to regulate body temperature.

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