Friday, March 18, 2016



Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. 

In humans it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental or social challenges the state of being free from illness or injury. 
As defined by World Health Organization (WHO), 
it is a "State of complete physical, mental, and social well being. Potential issues.

 Mental health 

 Maintaining health 
1 Diet 
2 Exercise 
3 Sleep 
4 Nutrion 

 Walking is the best exercise... Walking is the best exercise... ‘Walk Away’ from arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger... ‘Walk Away’ from people who deliberately put you down... ‘Walk Away’ from any thought that reduces your worth... ‘Walk Away’ from failures and fears that stifle your dreams... The more you ‘Walk Away’ from things that poison your soul... The happier your life would be... Give Yourself A Walk Towards Happiness...

 *1.* Any food you consume after 8 P.M. everyday is equally a poison to your body?
 *2.* If you can follow the water therapy for 3 months religiously, your skin, your body and your organs begins to function well?
 *3.* Do you know Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  *4.* Do you know too much red meat is very dangerous to your health? 
 *5.* Do you know people who smile always live longer, look younger and are more healthier than their counter part who does not? 
 *6.* For every bottle of soft drink you consume, you have just taken 9cubes of sugar, and it takes 7 days for it to wash off your body; men increase their likelihood of having a heart attack by 20 percent. 
 *7.* Fried meat is a killer; It is damaging your body. 
 *8.* People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. 
 *9.* Drinking water only when you are thirsty is obtaining a license to damage your liver. 
 *10.* Holding your urine when you are supposed to let go is another way you are damaging your liver? 
 *11.* Adding salt into your food when it is already served is another way of slowly poisoning yourself and vital organs? 
 *12.* Observing the routine of proper eating: Eat BREAKFAST like a KING, LUNCH like a PRINCE and DINNER like a BEGGAR would help you live longer. Please take care of your health. 

 *7 Biggest brain damaging habits* 

1: Missing breakfast 
2: Sleeping late 
3: High sugar consumption 
4: More sleeping specially at morning 
5: Eating meal while watching TV or computer 
6: Wearing Cap/scarf or socks while sleeping 
7: Habit of blocking/Stoping Urine

Effects of Negative thoughts 
 The moment negative thought enters in your mind, 
 1 - Your body releases acid. 
 2 - Your aura decreases. 
3 - Your resistance power decreases.
4 - Your system's functions are affected. 
5 - Your heart beat increases. 
6 - Your blood pressure increases. 
7 - Unwanted hormones are released. 
 With that negative thought you may or may not harm others...but you definitely harm yourself!!! Think positive remain healthy..... 

Seven Amazing Benefits of Clapping :
 👏“Clapping” a Simple Striking of Hands but it’s much more than you Think. 
 👏Normally People clap to Appreciate others for their Good works and achievements or when they are in mood of Joy. 
 👏People also Clap while Singing songs, Bhajans, and Prayers at Holy places. 
 👏It is Scientifically proved that Clapping is very effective Exercise to cure many Human Diseases. 
 👏Clapping activates the Receptors in the Palms and cause activation of the large area of the Brain which leads the improvement in Health. 
 👏There are 39 different Acupressure points for almost all Organs on our Palm which are activated by Clapping and this action improves Your Health slowly but effectively. 
 👏Daily 10-20 minutes of Clapping in morning keeps You Fit and Active. 
 1. Clapping is an effective Medicine for the Person who suffers from Digestive Disorder. 
 2. Best Cure for Back pain, Neck pain and Joint pain. 
 3. Gout is a common problem with Old age People and can be easily cured by Clapping. 
 4. Helpful for Patient of Low Blood Pressure. 
 5. If someone is suffering from any Heart and Lung related disease then Clapping plays important role in curing these diseases also. Clapping removes the obstacles from the Main and Collateral Channels and keeps You Fit and Healthy. 
 6. Children that practice clapping exercise daily make only few Spelling mistake and are Hard worker than others. It improves their Handwriting. The whole abstract of above given points is, Clapping sharpen the Brain of the Children. 
 7. Clapping increase the Immunity of the Person which provides the Strength to the Human body to fight against Diseases.  

👏👏👏👏👏 *So clap clap clap*

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