Friday, December 18, 2015

Self Respect

Self Respect
 Life is short Dont waste it being Angry or sad 
 Be Happy and Enjoy the time with your 
Natural qualities.
 Enjoy What are.... Natural Qualities and Acquired Qualities ..? When we look at ourselves from outside we can only see the surface of what we have become ... We can't see o perhaps cannot even imagine the inner core (center) , which , like in the example of the coconut , is the only part that really can nourish us and give us energy ... The shell (in the case of the coconut) serves as a protection but we certainly can't eat it ... In our case , the core (center) consists of natural or inner qualities such as peace , love , power , truth , happiness and so on ... The shell is the ego which consists of features or personality characteristics we have acquired through the journey of our lives such as experiences , abilities , memories , learning , habits and beliefs – in short , all that we are referring to when we say : 'I am so-and-so , from such-and-such family or organization or city'... While we are limited to these acquired characteristics , our true qualities remain inaccessible ... Through deep reflection and meditation we can break the shell and activate our inner qualities from which our values or principles are born ... To make an appointment with the self is to increase self-esteem. Thought to Ponder: To make an appointment with someone means to spend quality time with that person. When I make an appointment with myself too, I need to make use of it fully. So, from time to time during the day, I need to go within and see the specialties that I have. I need to get back to work and interactions with the consciousness of these specialties, which will color positively all that I do. Point to Practice: Today I will learn from the tortoise. Just as it withdraws within from time to time, so also let me take just a minute to introspect and see the specialties that I have. The more I spend such quality time with myself, I am able to increase my own state of self-respect. 

Happy Soul 

Who's a "Happy Soul" ? Definition provided by Buddhist Lamas... 1. A Happy Soul stops trying to change others, but instead focus on changing self. 2. A Happy Soul is one who accepts people for who they are. 3. A Happy Soul is one who understands that everyone is right in one's own perspective. 4. A Happy Soul is one who learns to "let go". 5. A "Happy Soul is one who is able to drop expectations from every relationship and gives for the sake of giving. 6. A Happy Soul is one who understands that whatever we do, we do it for our own peace. 7. A Happy Soul is one who stops proving to the world, how intelligent one is. 8. A Happy Soul is one who does not seek approval from others. 9. A Happy Soul is one who stops comparing with others. 10. A Happy Soul is one who is at peace with oneself. 11. A Happy Soul is one who is able to differentiate between "need" and "want" and is able to let go of one's wants. 12. A Happy Soul is one who stops attaching "happiness" to material things. Here's wishing all, a life of a Happy Soul...!! 

 Walking is the best exercise...

 Walking is the best exercise... ‘Walk Away’ from arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger... ‘Walk Away’ from people who deliberately put you down... ‘Walk Away’ from any thought that reduces your worth... ‘Walk Away’ from failures and fears that stifle your dreams... The more you ‘Walk Away’ from things that poison your soul... The happier your life would be... Give Yourself A Walk Towards Happiness...

Swami Vivekananda’s 7 Little Truths: 
(litmus tests in life) 
 1st Don’t let someone become a priority in your life, when you are just an option in their life. Relationships work best when they are balanced… 
 2nd Never explain yourself to anyone. Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it and the person who doesn’t like you won’t believe it… 
 3rd When you keep saying you are busy, then you are never free. When you keep saying you have no time, then you will never have time. When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow, then your tomorrow will never come…
 4th When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices. Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams. Choice is yours…  
5th We make them cry who care for us. We cry for those who never care for us. And we care for those who will never cry for us. This is the truth of life, it’s strange but true. Once you realize this, it’s never too late to change… 
 6th Don’t make promises when you are in joy. Don’t reply when you are sad. Don’t take decision when you are angry. Think twice, act once… 
 7th Time is like river. You can’t touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again “Someone Asked Swami Vivekananda: “What is poison?” He had given a great answer: “Everything excess in life, is poison”